
    Welcome to Charles Olbon-Health and Wellness

    • Check in Realtime that phone numbers and contacts are always up to date. We need to be able to reach you if there is an emergency with your child.
    • Create a back-up plan for your child when he/she is sick (Grandparent, family member, friend, neighbor, etc.).
    • It is your responsibility to pick up your child in a timely manner when he/she is sick.
    • Visit the health services page on the district website throughout the year for updated health information. All health forms can be located there.
    • Be sure that your child’s immunizations are up to date and you provide a current physical exam. This is mandated by the district and NJ State law. Your child will not be able to start Kindergarten if they are not up to date. Please send any copies to the nurse as soon as possible.

    ATTENDANCE: Please DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL SICK! This is how germs are spread to others.

    • All absences must be reported to the school nurse by 9am at 973-317-7734 or email lsaundry@wpschools.org. Provide the student's name and the reason for the absence.
    • Ensure your child is on time for school.
    • If your child has a fever of 100.0 degrees or more, he/she cannot return to school until fever free for 24 hours without the use of any medication to reduce the fever.
    • If your child has diarrhea or vomiting, he/she cannot return to school until free of these symptoms for 24 hours without the use of medication.


    • Medication is only to be given if failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the medication is not given.
    • If your child has life-threatening allergies, asthma, or a seizure disorder all related paperwork (available on the district website) must be completed by the MD and handed in to my office along with the emergency medication IMMEDIATELY!
    • All other medications (including over-the-counter medications) require The Woodland Park Schools Medication Authorization Form (available on the district website) to be filled out and signed by both parent and doctor.
    • Both MD and parent signatures are required for ALL medication administration. ALL medications must be brought to the nurse by the parent along with the required form(s).
    • ALL medications must be FDA approved and brought to the nurse by the parent. Prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle, labeled with the student's name, name of medication, dosage, prescription number, and primary care provider’s name. DO NOT send in any medication with your child.

    HEALTHY HABITS: (your child should):

    • Know how to blow their nose and use tissues when needed
    • Cough/sneeze into their elbow
    • Know how to use the bathroom independently (without use of wipes)
    • Get a good night’s rest (10-11 hours per night)
    • Eat a healthy breakfast
    • Follow the dress code policy. 
    • Wear shoes that are in accordance with the dress code policy. 
    • Keep a change of clothing in your child’s backpack in case of an accident.


    • Snacks are not provided by the school. 
    • You must send in healthy snacks each day for school (fruit, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, crackers, pretzels, granola bars). 
    • Do not send in any sweets, candy, or soda. 
    • Send your child to school with a water bottle every day.
    • Be mindful if your child is in a nut-free classroom (you will receive a letter at the beginning of the year). 

    I need to know if your child has any allergies, health issues or serious illnesses/injuries. Please keep in contact with me regarding any changes in your child’s health. If your child has activity restrictions, please send in a doctor’s note regarding such restrictions during school. A doctor’s note is needed to be exempt from gym class for more than 1-2 days.

    We must work together for your child’s best interest. My goal is to provide your child with the highest level of care in the school setting.

    Thank you,

    Tara Miller

    School Nurse
