• Homework will be given Monday through Thursday.  Please check your child's folder or notebook for individualized assignments.
    Spelling Activities:
    The following is a list of spelling activities that students can complete to help them practice their spelling words at home.
         -  Write your spelling words in alphabetical order. 
         -  Write your spelling words in crayon or pen.  Write each consonant letter in blue and each vowel in red.
         -  Type each word on the computer and print them out. 
         -  Write each spelling word in a sentence.
         -  Write each spelling word one time.  Then trace around the shape of the letter.
         -  Cut out letters from a magazine or newspaper and paste them together to write the spelling words.
         -  Print each word.  Next to it, write the wod in a fun way (bubble letters, rainbow colors, uppercase letters).
Last Modified on December 30, 2017