• Welcome … The School Health Services Staff wishes to extend a warm and personal welcome to you as you join our school community. Please know that you have a team of concerned professionals available to provide care to your child while they are at school. The Woodland Park Schools Health Services staff is comprised of a New Jersey Certified School Nurse located at each building and a School Physician available for consultation. 
    Our staff includes:  School Nurses

                               Charles Olbon             Linda Saundry                  973-317-7734                                lsaundry@wpschools.org  
                               Beatrice Gilmore         Lynn Roehrich                973-317-7744                                lroehrich@wpschools.org
                               Memorial School         Terri Carbonelli              973-317-7754                                tcarbonelli@wpschools.org
                               School 1                        Tara Pearce                     973-317-7774                                tpearce@wpschools.org
                               ECC                               Shashell Barrett              973-317-7794                                sbarrett@wpschools.org