     Image result for welcome glitter image
     6th grade SS     

    Name: Miss Jennifer Caputo

    Email Address:jcaputo@wpschools.org

    6th grade World History

    Classroom: Room 9

     Help Hours: By Appointment


    If any parent or guardian would like a copy of their child's test/quiz or written assignment, please feel free to contact me via email and it will be sent home with your child.
    Supplies Needed:     
     1. Daily Planner             
    2. Notebook/folder
    3. Pen/Pencils
    4. Colored PenlcilS
    5. Highlighter   
    SUPPLIES DUE 9/15- see me if there are any concerns 
    Did you forget your homework slip????Homework Slip 2017
    http://www.connected.mcgraw-hill.com  Each student will be given a login and password.

     Looking forward to see all parent/guardians at Back to School Night!!! Come to Room 9!




    Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),


    My name is Ms. Caputo and this year I will be teaching Social Studies for  6th grade World History. At Memorial Middle School we believe that a cooperative relationship between Memorial teachers and a parent(s)/guardian(s) is imperative for the overall education of a student.  One of the most important factors in a child’s performance in school is parental involvement.  Therefore, it is critical that we maintain open communication at all times.  The following information is being provided to make you aware of what is expected of your child for this year in Social Studies.



    Homework is a very important part of our Social Studies class and will be given weekly.  The homework that I assign will be to involve your child in critical thinking and help to improve their writing skills. EVERY MONDAY A CURRENT EVENT ARTICLE IS DUE.  All other HW will be posted on my Homework page. There is a link for each grade level assignment as well as a current event link and project and map links.


    Students will also have Geography Map Quizzes that they will need to study for on various regions of the world that are discussed throughout the year.



    Finally, I would like to share my grading policy with you.  In an effort to allow all students to succeed, my grading policy will take into account all aspects of the classroom and not just test scores.  The grading policy for Social Studies grades 5-8 is as follows:


    ·         50% Tests and Projects

    ·         20% Quizzes

    ·         20% Homework/Preparation

    ·         10% Participation



    I am looking forward to a wonderful school year and I know that you are as well.  Let’s do our best to maintain excellent communication with one another so that our children will succeed.  Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason throughout the year either by phone or by email at jcaputo@wpschools.org.  Thank you very much for your anticipated cooperation and support.


    Ms.  Caputo



Last Modified on August 29, 2018