• Países Hispanoparlantes - Spanish speaking countries
    México - Ciudad México
    Nicaragua - Managua
    Costa Rica- San José
    Honduras- Tegucigalpa
    Panamá- Panamá
    Guatemala- Guatemala
    El Salvador- San Salvador
    Bolivia - La Paz    Sucre
    Chile- Santiago de Chile
    Paraguay- Asunción
    Colombia- Bogotá
    Venezuela- Caracas
    Perú- Lima
    Ecuador- Quito
    Argentina- Buenos Aires
    España- Madrid
    Guinea Ecuatorial - Malabo
    el Caribe
    República Dominicana - Santo Domingo
    Puerto Rico - San Juan
    Cuba- La Habana
    Lesson 2
    The verb Ser means (to be). It is an irregular verb and you must just learn its conjugated forms.
    1. yo soy                                          1.  I am
    2. eres                                          2. You are (informal)
    3. usted (Ud)  es                                3. You are (formal)
    4. él es                                             4. he is
    5. ella es                                           5. she is
    6. nosotros somos                              6. we are
    7. nosotras somos                              7. we are
    8. ustedes (Uds.) son                         8. you are (plural)
    9. ellos son                                       9. they are
    10. ellas son                                     10. they are
    Examples:  1.  Yo soy chilena.  
                     2.  Tu eres chileno. 
                     3.   Juan es chileno.
                     4.  Nosotros somos chilenos.
                     5.  Los profesores son chilenos.
    Nationalities                                      Nacionalidades
    Please remember that nationalities are not capitalized in Spanish.
    Where are you from?                         ¿ De dónde eres?
    I am from___.                                   Soy de name country or nationality
    Example: ¿De dónde eres? (Colombia)  Soy de Colombia. or Soy colombiana.
    South America/ sudaméricano(a) (s)
    Central America/ centroamericano(a) (s)
    Africa/ africano(a) (s)
    Caribbean/ caribeño(a) (s)
    Europe/europeo(a) (s)
    North America/ norteaméricano(a) (s)
    Nicaragua - nicaragüense
    Panama - panameño (a) (s)
    Costa Rica - costarricense
    Honduras - hondureño(a) (s)
    Venezuela - venezolano(a) (s)
    Spain(España) - español (a) (s) (es)
    México - mexicano(a) (s)
    Guinea Ecuatorial-
    Paraguay - paraguayo(a) (s)
    El Salvador - salvadoreño (a) (s)
    Argentina - argentino(a) (s)
    Chile - chileno(a) (s)
    Ecuador - ecuatoriano(a) (s)
    Guatemala - guatemalteco(a) (s)
    República Dominicana - dominicano(a) (s)
    Uruguay - uruguayo(a) (s)
    Puerto Rico - puertorriqueño(a) (s)
    Bolivia - boliviano(a) (s)
    Cuba - cubano(a) (s)
    Perú - peruano(a) (s)
    Colombia - colombiano(a) (s)
    Lesson 3
    Adjetivos - Adjectives
    An adjective is a word that describes a noun. In Spanish all nouns have gender. They are either masculine or feminine. Adjectives must agree with the noun that they describe in gender and number.
    Example: El es alto.       Ellos son altos.
                  Ella es alta.     Ellas son altas.
    For adjectives that end in -o in the masculine form, change the -o to an -a to make it feminine.   Example:  rojo        roja
    To make an adjective plural....
    1.  add -s  if it ends in a vowel.      Example: alto - altos
    2. add -es if it ends in a consonant.  Example: fácil - fáciles
    Most adjectives ending in -e or a consonant remain the same in both the masculine and feminine forms. Example: La lección es fácil. 
                                                              El examen es fácil 
                                                              El es inteligente.
                                                              Ella es inteligente.
    If a group is made up of both masculine and feminine nouns, use the masculine form. Example: Los chicos y las chicas son altos.
                                          The boys and girls are tall.
    * Adjectives usually come after the noun that they describe.
    Please study the list of adjectives below:

    1. ¿Cómo eres? - What are you like?

    2. artístico(a) - artistic

    3. ordenado(a) - organized

    4. desordenado(a) - not organized
    5. perezoso(a) - laid back, lazy

    6. generoso(a) - generous

    7. paciente - patient

    8. impaciente - not patient

    9. alto(a) - tall (used to describe height)

    10. gracioso(a) - funny, good sense of humor

    11. bajo(a) - short (used to describe height)

    12. trabajador(a) - hardworking

    13. bonito(a) - pretty, cute

    14. fácil - easy

    15. difícil - difficult
    16. fuerte - strong

    17. débil - weak

    18. largo - long

    19. corto - short

    20. excelente - excellent

    21. interesante - interesting

    22. grande - big

    23. pequeño - small

    24. independiente - independent

    25. rubio(a) - blonde

    26. moreno(a) - brunette

    27. pelirrojo(a) - red head

    28. amable - kind

    29. atlético(a) - athletic

    30. inteligente - intelligent
    Lesson 4

    1.      La ropa                                                                          1. Clothes

    2.      Llevo ___.                                                                     2.  I am wearing ____.

    3.      Los zapatos                                                                  3. the shoes

    4.      La camiseta                                                                  4.  the T shirt

    5.      La camisa                                                                      5. the shirt

    6.      Los pantalones                                                            6. the pants

    7.      La falda                                                                          7. the skirt

    8.      El vestido                                                                       8. the dress

    9.      La blusa                                                                          9.  the blouse

    10.  La corbata                                                                        10. the necktie

    11.  El abrigo                                                                            11.  the coat

    12.  La chaqueta                                                                      12. the jacket

    13.  Los calcetines                                                                   13. the socks

    14.  La gorra                                                                             14.  the cap

    15.  El sombrero                                                                      15.  the hat

    16.  El cinturon                                                                         16.the belt

    17.  El sueter                                                                             17.  the sweater

    18.  Los guantes                                                                       18.  the gloves

    19.  Las gafas de sol                                                                19. the sunglasses

    20.  La bufanda                                                                         20. the scarf

    Indefinite –ar verb conjugations:

    Llevar- to wear

    Llevo – I am wearing ______.

    Llevas- You (informal) are wearing ____.

    Lleva- He, She, You (formal) is wearing ____.

    Llevamos  ______.  -  We are wearing ______.

    Llevan _____. - They are wearing ________.

    un, una – a,an

    unos,unas - some



    1. Yo llevo una camisa roja.
    2. Tu llevas una bufanda azul.
    3. El profesor lleva una corbata gris.
    4. Maria lleva una falda anaranjada.
    5. Gloria y Juana llevan unos guantes verdes.
    6. Usted lleva pantalones cortos.
    7. Nosotros llevamos un abrigo rojo y una bufanda negra.
    Las partes del cuerpo / The parts of the body
    1. la cabeza                                                                1. the head
    2. el cuello                                                                  2. the neck
    3. el hombro/los hombros                                      3. the shoulder/the shoulders
    4.el pecho                                                                   4. the chest
    5. el brazo/los brazos                                              5. the arm/the arms
    6. el codo/los codos                                                 6. the elbow/the elbows
    7. la mano/las manos                                              7. the hand/the hands
    8. la cintura                                                                8. the waist
    9. el dedo/los dedos                                                 9. the finger/the fingers
    10. la pierna/las piernas                                          10. the leg/the legs
    11. la rodilla/las rodillas                                           11. the knee/the knees
    12. el pie/los pies                                                      12. the foot/ the feet
    13. el dedo del pie___/los dedos de los pies       13. the toe/ the toes
    14. el ojo/los ojos                                                     14. the eye/ the eyes                        
    15. las orejas                                                             15. the ears
    16. la boca                                                                 16. the mouth
    17. la nariz                                                                 17. the nose
    18. la barbilla                                                            18. the chin
Last Modified on September 11, 2018